Become a BIM Professional with the Autodesk Revit Architecture Course
In the world of architectural design and construction, Revit BIM has become key software that helps simplify building design and analysis processes. As a collaborative work methodology for project generation and management, it enables architects and engineers to design with modeling elements and parametric drawings by using smart 3D objects. Simply put, BIM modeling in Revit allows you to create a unique informational model where each element has a complete constructive definition. The BIM model considers the entire life cycle of a building, from its conceptualization to analysis, construction, maintenance and demolition. This consideration allows close management throughout the construction process, as well as a reduction in operating costs.
In the world of architectural design and construction, Revit BIM has become key software that helps simplify building design and analysis processes. As a collaborative work methodology for project generation and management, it enables architects and engineers to design with modeling elements and parametric drawings by using smart 3D objects.