Beijing Fashion Factory B Courtyard / AntiStatics Architecture

Inspired by the textiles and patterns of the fashion industry, the Beijing Fashion-Factory rejuvenates a former industrial site into a diverse collection of creative workspaces. The interwoven nature of the fabric is leveraged as a design driver defining the various interior and exterior spaces, their connectivity, and separation. The design utilizes and borrows several techniques from the fashion designer’s palette, including draping, stitching, printing, and weaving. Theoretically, these processes tie back to the early conceptualization of architecture by theorist Gottfried Semper, who traced the etymology of the word wall back to its origins of textile and fabric, where divisions of spaces were not defined simply by brick and stone, and contemporarily concrete, glass and steel, but rather encompassed the draping of fabric as enclosure and later the application of textiles and patterns in the form of tapestries, incorporating both thermal performances as well as aesthetic and ornamental features.

Beijing Fashion Factory B Courtyard / AntiStatics Architecture
Courtyard B Building façade and Landscape. Image © Zhi Xia Courtyard B Building façade and Landscape. Image © Zhi Xia
  • architects: AntiStatics Architecture
  • Location: Changying Area, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
  • Project Year: 2020
  • Photographs: Zhi Xia
  • Photographs: Courtesy of AntiStatics Architecture
  • Area: 12000.0 m2

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