Better Bus Stop - Making public transport fun again
Registration Deadline: Dec 28, 2020; Submission Deadline: Dec 29, 2020 PREMISE Public Transport has been a very crucial part of enabling cities for a very long time. They are an inseparable element to any urban environment bringing the ability to scale cities while sustaining the quality of spanning it. There are several urban infrastructures planted across the city that helps a better use of this system more like a dock. A dock where the complex human population meets this huge network of mass transit means. The approach to developing them is mostly top-down, because of many reasons - attributed to speed scaling and deployment. And it is true, every bus stop looks the same from a development plan perspective - a dot on a huge urban map. But conversely, every bus stand installed is an opportunity to solve a need of a locality if we see it bottom-up. ON THE GROUND Bus stands now serve a much larger demographic, especially in developing countries. And it is a lifeline for the middle class and migrant population. It's a system that is very old and has changed a lot from what it was in the past, but it still requires a lot of work especially we see it in comparison to private automobile companies who are ahead by leaps and miles ahead which serves only people who can afford them. While mobility technology is not the purview of architects, a significant part of the experience happens at these docks. If a bus stand in every locality is differently used, can this new update for public transit recognize this changing need? Can there be a new system of a bus stop design that can accommodate this type of usage that adapts from locality to locality? BRIEF The problem looks at the idea that each bus stand when looked at in isolation has a different urban condition they belong in, the number of people that use them, and who create a new pattern. The challenge is to design a modular bus stand system that can change from locality to locality, that solves one neighborhood of your choice as a pilot of this system. The deliverable for this competition demands a single bus stand only. The design has to be more like a system of parts, that has permutations and combinations that can adapt to the varying needs of the urban intersections that they are placed in. OBJECTIVES Problem Identification: There are many problems that exist in urban areas, but the choice of a relevant and important problem is a must. Modularity: How modular is your design solution and can be implemented at various locations with similar or different problems. Security/Vandalism Proofing: How will the design resist theft and mishandling, by becoming a robust entity despite modularity. Identity: How does the bus stand reflect the space it has been placed in or the city it belongs to? SITE The site can be in any city of any scale in the world. There's no size limit, but the scale should be of a generic bus stop. Please ensure that the bus stand in choice belongs in a multi-bus stop system and is not an isolated one like a highway. This will ensure the system you design is applicable to more locations. While preparing your sheets, ensure you discuss the problems and the site a little before jumping on to the solution finding to sensitize viewers about the issues you are looking at. HOW TO SUBMIT? Read all the competition rules and details from the sidebar, and hit register. You can pay the entry fee and book your registration right away. The additional resources directly unlock as soon as you register on your dashboard. Once you are ready with your project - begin uploading from the dashboard and follow this tutorial to submit. You can add your team members to your project while submitting it. RULES You have to deliver an architectural outcome on the following site, based on the given outlines. • Recommended number of sheets/presentation images/boards: 3 (Three) of size [ 2800px x 3500px ] in portrait digital format (JPEG only). Minimum 3 (Three) & No maximum sheet limit. Each image should be less than 15MB. (Do not submit PNG format) Minimum requisite submissions are sheets/boards + Cover image containing: • Site plan (Compulsory) • Key conceptual sections x 1 (Minimum) • 3D views x 4 • Additional cover image of 2000px x 1000px • Write an article/story in the Journal section# of the project (of about 700-1000 words) answering the questions given in the Additional Resources. #Journal Section appears midway in the project submission portal. More instructions in the additional resources. RESOURCES This competition contains additional resources that contain a set of files useful to complete the competition submission. This folder is made available on your profile dashboard automatically as soon as you register. This additional resources folder of this competition contains: Submission Format files in PSD | AI | InDD & Guide to Journal Section + Questions Learn more on BASE RULES + The competitions are open for studen

Public Transport has been a very crucial part of enabling cities for a very long time. They are an inseparable element to any urban environment bringing the ability to scale cities while sustaining the quality of spanning it. There are several urban infrastructures planted across the city that helps a better use of this system more like a dock. A dock where the complex human population meets this huge network of mass transit means.
The approach to developing them is mostly top-down, because of many reasons - attributed to speed scaling and deployment. And it is true, every bus stop looks the same from a development plan perspective - a dot on a huge urban map. But conversely, every bus stand installed is an opportunity to solve a need of a locality if we see it bottom-up.
Bus stands now serve a much larger demographic, especially in developing countries. And it is a lifeline for the middle class and migrant population. It's a system that is very old and has changed a lot from what it was in the past, but it still requires a lot of work especially we see it in comparison to private automobile companies who are ahead by leaps and miles ahead which serves only people who can afford them. While mobility technology is not the purview of architects, a significant part of the experience happens at these docks. If a bus stand in every locality is differently used, can this new update for public transit recognize this changing need? Can there be a new system of a bus stop design that can accommodate this type of usage that adapts from locality to locality?
The problem looks at the idea that each bus stand when looked at in isolation has a different urban condition they belong in, the number of people that use them, and who create a new pattern.
The challenge is to design a modular bus stand system that can change from locality to locality, that solves one neighborhood of your choice as a pilot of this system. The deliverable for this competition demands a single bus stand only.
The design has to be more like a system of parts, that has permutations and combinations that can adapt to the varying needs of the urban intersections that they are placed in.
Problem Identification: There are many problems that exist in urban areas, but the choice of a relevant and important problem is a must.
Modularity: How modular is your design solution and can be implemented at various locations with similar or different problems.
Security/Vandalism Proofing: How will the design resist theft and mishandling, by becoming a robust entity despite modularity.
Identity: How does the bus stand reflect the space it has been placed in or the city it belongs to?
The site can be in any city of any scale in the world. There's no size limit, but the scale should be of a generic bus stop. Please ensure that the bus stand in choice belongs in a multi-bus stop system and is not an isolated one like a highway. This will ensure the system you design is applicable to more locations. While preparing your sheets, ensure you discuss the problems and the site a little before jumping on to the solution finding to sensitize viewers about the issues you are looking at.
Read all the competition rules and details from the sidebar, and hit register. You can pay the entry fee and book your registration right away. The additional resources directly unlock as soon as you register on your dashboard. Once you are ready with your project - begin uploading from the dashboard and follow this tutorial to submit. You can add your team members to your project while submitting it.
You have to deliver an architectural outcome on the following site, based on the given outlines.
• Recommended number of sheets/presentation images/boards: 3 (Three) of size [ 2800px x 3500px ] in portrait digital format (JPEG only).
Minimum 3 (Three) & No maximum sheet limit. Each image should be less than 15MB. (Do not submit PNG format)
Minimum requisite submissions are sheets/boards + Cover image containing:
• Site plan (Compulsory)
• Key conceptual sections x 1 (Minimum)
• 3D views x 4
• Additional cover image of 2000px x 1000px
• Write an article/story in the Journal section# of the project (of about 700-1000 words) answering the questions given in the Additional Resources.
#Journal Section appears midway in the project submission portal. More instructions in the additional resources.
This competition contains additional resources that contain a set of files useful to complete the competition submission. This folder is made available on your profile dashboard automatically as soon as you register.
This additional resources folder of this competition contains: Submission Format files in PSD | AI | InDD & Guide to Journal Section + Questions
Learn more on
+ The competitions are open for students and professionals from all the disciplines of design.
+ The team limit for this competition is 4 members maximum per team.
+ You can register more than one team but they have to be registered separately.
+ Ensure that the final sheets submitted do not include your name or any other mark of identification.
+ Your submission is linked to your UNI user account which stands as your identification.
+ This is design ideas challenge only. There is no built commission/realization associated with the problem.
+ In case of publication in the yearbook we will reach out separately for selected entries.
+ Use exploded views to discuss multi-leveled conceptual models better.
+ Mention sheet number on the corner of every sheet.
+ Plagiarism of any idea/form/design/image will be disqualified with a notice.
+ All the sheets or images will be viewed on a digital device. e.g. Laptop screen or projector. Uploaded sheets or images will not be physically printed for evaluation. The submission hence should be prepared for digital viewing only.
+ Submit JPEG images only. (PNG will not function)
The entries will be judged by an international jury of the competition on the following criteria:
Presentation: The fundamental to a good entry is a visual delivery of ideas.
Concept/Idea: Quality of thought and intent in the pre-design phase.
Spaces/Programme: How the spaces are calculated and ordered.
Design Outcome The final architectural outcome of the solution.
The judging panel can also add other criteria based on their internal discussions - which will be in line with the problem statement. Participants are advised to fulfill the above-given criteria first in their design. Names of the jury panel will be announced soon.
Winners of this competition will get annually published with us in our e-yearbook and annual publications.
Registration Closes: 21 Dec 2020
Submission Deadline: 22 Dec 2020
Result Announcement: 18 Feb 2021
Prize pool of worth 18,000$
First Prize: 5000$ (For students and professionals)
Runner Up: 6 x 1000$ (For students and professionals)
People’s Choice: 4 x 400$ (Open for all)
Honorable Mention x 12: 450$ Each
Learn more about this competition here:
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