Blade House / Tecture

When our client had nominated Concrete as their preferred and the principal material for their home, we were thrilled to be able to drive our team’s knowledge to explore a new construction methodology and design sensibility. With the entry into the site from the west, and the client’s request for a 5-car garage, we began to wonder, “how could we conceal such a large garage and not make the house feel like it’s about the vehicles?” Furthermore, designing a home with a southern backyard while also wanting to capture views and light to the north, can be challenging in the southern states of Australia. But for Blade House, we were fortunate to have a large, elevated site that inspired us to think about the layers and an extruded program.

Blade House / Tecture
© Timothy Kaye © Timothy Kaye
  • architects: Tecture
  • Location: Albury, New South Wales, Australia
  • Project Year: 2021
  • Photographs: Timothy Kaye
  • Area: 2021.0 m2

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