Bustler's Top Winning Architects, Students, and Project Awards of 2020

2020 was an interesting year, to say the least. While a pandemic, social, and political unrest impacted nations worldwide architects and designers pushed through and continued to create memorable projects. From winning competition entries, academic research, or prestigious honors based on leadership and service this year helped produce amazing works. In no particular order, our Bustler editorial team has compiled a list of highlights featuring award-winning architects and projects from 2020.  Read the full post on Bustler

Bustler's Top Winning Architects, Students, and Project Awards of 2020

2020 was an interesting year, to say the least. While a pandemic, social, and political unrest impacted nations worldwide architects and designers pushed through and continued to create memorable projects. From winning competition entries, academic research, or prestigious honors based on leadership and service this year helped produce amazing works.

In no particular order, our Bustler editorial team has compiled a list of highlights featuring award-winning architects and projects from 2020. 

Read the full post on Bustler