Cabot Cliffs: Cliffs Residences, Halfway Hut and Pro Shop / FBM Architecture | Interior Design | Planning

Located on the rugged west coast of Cape Breton Island, overlooking the Gulf of St. Lawrence with tumbling sandy cliffs, and sweeping ocean views, Cabot Cliffs is among the most celebrated golf destinations in the world. Bill Coore and Ben Crenshaw crafted this walking-only course in the dramatic landscape to experience the topography, views, vegetation, and wind, in tandem with the game itself. The design of such a course demands a profound sensitivity to the terrain; and the architecture at Cabot Cliffs echoes this sentiment with its relationship between landscape, building, and human play.

Cabot Cliffs: Cliffs Residences, Halfway Hut and Pro Shop / FBM Architecture | Interior Design | Planning
© Doublespace Photography Younes Bounhar © Doublespace Photography Younes Bounhar

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