Casa Brut / RENESA Architecture Design Interiors Studio

Casa Brut thrives on defining a new-fangled identity of its own merit. A rare and unapologetic hybrid between a stark architectural expression and a rooted Indian sentiment. Tucked into a quaint neighborhood in New Delhi, this private residence makes a compelling case for a robust design language, unafraid to pose as an anomaly within the typical streetscapes of the capital. Grounded austerity is the home’s most coveted asset, each element integral to its overarching vision and experience. Unabashed and steadfastly focused on the design intent, Casa Brut displays a palpable blend amidst Brutalist design while paying homage to Indian nuances with grace. This essentially conjures an architectural creation emblematic of the colliding of worlds while staying tethered to the concept of mindful building practices.

Casa Brut / RENESA Architecture Design Interiors Studio
© Niveditaa Gupta © Niveditaa Gupta

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