Casolare Scarani House / Studio Andrew Trotter

Many years ago, a friend in Barcelona had the idea to move to Puglia. She showed me a few houses online to see what I thought about them. Maybe a year or so later, we passed a house while driving toward Carovigno, and I realized that it was one of the houses she had shown me. The house was beautiful, old, with so much character, and not too big. In the countryside, you usually find small lamias, which are stone sheds for the local landowners to store equipment; or very large masserias, where the affluent landowners would have once lived.

Casolare Scarani House / Studio Andrew Trotter
© Salva López © Salva López
  • architects: Studio Andrew Trotter
  • Location: 72012 Carovigno, BR, Italy
  • Project Year: 2023
  • Photographs: Salva López

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