CHA Talk Tea House / AIR Architects

CHA talk Tea House, also known as Sihan Tea House, is AIR Architects' second landing project in Dajing Lane, (see more information on our first project: Random Art Space / AIR architects) a Southern Song Dynasty ancient architectural community in Hangzhou, with the aim of creating a natural and relaxing tea drinking experience through architectural and interior renovations. The client is an experienced tea culture inheritor and tea ceremony practitioner in Hangzhou, and they had one word for the design - 'authenticity'.

CHA Talk Tea House / AIR Architects
© Chenhao © Chenhao
  • architects: AIR Architects
  • Location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
  • Project Year: 2020
  • Photographs: Chenhao
  • Area: 100.0 m2

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