Studio Chinar is a garment and home furnishing manufacturing unit situated on an 800 sqm piece of land amidst a plotted industrial area on the outskirts of Jaipur, Rajasthan. The client, an alumnus of the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, India desired a functional and climatically comfortable built environment integrating a workplace along with a studio and other ancillary facilities for a team of around 100 people including 80 craftsmen (tailors and weavers) who combine to produce hand -woven and hand-crafted contemporary textile products. Hence, the project was imagined and conceptualized as a naturally lit comfortable working environment that would uplift the worker's ability to focus and be more creative. The building has been based on the idea of celebrating the artistic work of the designer by creating neutral spaces brought to life by providing internal courtyards and bringing in natural light at all levels.
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