Construction Update: an artist-designed museum takes shape in Uruguay

The latest addition to South America’s burgeoning contemporary art scene is almost set for its debut after a two-year-long construction process that will give the continent what is likely to be its first artist-designed museum in the form of the new Museo Arte Contemporaneo Atchugarry (MACA) located on the southern edge of Uruguay’s Atlantic coast.  The museum is a product of a collaboration between Canada-based Uruguayan architect Carlos Ott and renowned sculptor Pablo Atchugarry.  Image courtesy Foundacion Atchugerry.Atchugarry is considered one of the leaders of Uruguay's contemporary arts movement and has already established a foothold in his native country with a 15-year-old foundation (Foundacion Pablo Atchugerry) that currently hosts an amphitheatre and several gallery spaces on its spacious Punta del Este campus.Image courtesy Foundacion Atchugerry.Marked by facing curvilinear concrete and timber volumes, the new museum rises from the landscape surrounded by a 99-acre sculpt...

Construction Update: an artist-designed museum takes shape in Uruguay

The latest addition to South America’s burgeoning contemporary art scene is almost set for its debut after a two-year-long construction process that will give the continent what is likely to be its first artist-designed museum in the form of the new Museo Arte Contemporaneo Atchugarry (MACA) located on the southern edge of Uruguay’s Atlantic coast. 

The museum is a product of a collaboration between Canada-based Uruguayan architect Carlos Ott and renowned sculptor Pablo Atchugarry. 

Image courtesy Foundacion Atchugerry.

Atchugarry is considered one of the leaders of Uruguay's contemporary arts movement and has already established a foothold in his native country with a 15-year-old foundation (Foundacion Pablo Atchugerry) that currently hosts an amphitheatre and several gallery spaces on its spacious Punta del Este campus.

Image courtesy Foundacion Atchugerry.

Marked by facing curvilinear concrete and timber volumes, the new museum rises from the landscape surrounded by a 99-acre sculpt...