Curves and Dashes Store / Intrinsic Designs

Text description by Niharika Jain. For an office space to be shared and jointly occupied by a young couple engaged in diverse professions, Intrinsic Designs has created a workspace that effortlessly fuses design needs, while also allowing for individual identities to emerge. The space to be shared equally by a fashion designer along with a chartered accountant’s office called for an unconventional design approach. The ‘Curve & Dashes’ is a 450sq.ft commercial office space with a single opening for natural light, along the shorter side of the rectangular layout. Within this setting, the designers were faced with the challenge of distributing natural daylight equally between the two distinct workspaces of a fashion design studio in  and a chartered accountant’s office.

Curves and Dashes Store / Intrinsic Designs
© Ishita Sitwala © Ishita Sitwala

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