Divers(e) Cité Jardin Apartment Complex / Saison Menu Architectes Urbanistes

Designed in partnership with the Gaëtan Le Penhuel firm, this garden block extends Euralille’s operations further to the south. It is part of a location undergoing total urban transformation within the Porte de Valenciennes area, at the crossroads of various developmental timelines, in a diverse, rich, and complex urban context. The overall form of the project stems from particular attention to this environment: in its shape and sweeping view, it provides a counterpoint to the powerfully urban perspective of Boulevard Hoover, and, closer in, to the linkage between these two contrasting urban textures, somewhere between the contemporary architecture of Euralille housing and the Moulins quarter.

Divers(e) Cité Jardin Apartment Complex / Saison Menu Architectes Urbanistes
© Sergio Grazia © Sergio Grazia

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