Es Pou House in Formentera / Marià Castelló

“Es Pou de Can Marianet Barber” is a historical place name in the interior of the island of Formentera (Spain). A rural plot where several pre-existent conditions the insertion of this small first residence in the territory. Among them, the network of centenarian dry stone walls stands out, as well as the organization of the crops. The intervention is located in the western area of ​​the plot, parallel to a trace of more than a kilometer in length, oriented to the south and protected from the setting sun by a mass of vegetation, thus releasing the most fertile area to give continuity to the existing agricultural activity.

Es Pou House in Formentera / Marià Castelló
Cortesía de Marià Castelló Cortesía de Marià Castelló
  • architects: Marià Castelló Martínez
  • Location: Formentera, Balearic Islands, Spain
  • Project Year: 2021
  • Photographs: Courtesy of Marià Castelló
  • Photographs:
  • Area: 94.0 m2

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