Evergreen School / CAUKIN Studio

Working in partnership with the charity Mothers Of Africa (MoA), CAUKIN Studio spent 3 months in rural Zambia constructing 4 classrooms and a teacher's office for Evergreen School. The charity MoA was set up in 2004 with the aim of improving maternal health, reducing maternal mortality, and achieving access to reproductive health for all women. MoA quickly realised that by improving the education of the village children they could make a long term contribution to the charity’s overall objective. Children in Zambia are often only educated to the age of 14; with schools often oversubscribed and in poor conditions. 

Evergreen School / CAUKIN Studio
© CAUKIN Studio © CAUKIN Studio
  • architects: CAUKIN Studio
  • Location: Chongwe, Zambia
  • Project Year: 2019
  • Photographs: CAUKIN Studio
  • Photographs: Paul Crompton
  • Photographs: Katie Edwards
  • Area: 400.0 m2

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