Hemlock Ave. House / Chioco Design

Jamie Chioco, principal at Chioco Design in Austin, Texas had the opportunity to design his and his wife’s personal residence. Completed in 2019, the two-bedroom home is located in the East Austin neighborhood of Cherrywood. Chioco, who has owned the property for sixteen years had lived in a 1950’s house typical to the neighborhood and in 2017 decided to start from scratch. The couple decided to relocate the 750 square foot home to a new location about two miles away. After all, it was a perfectly good house that didn’t need to go to the landfill. Designing one’s personal home proved to be an interesting process. After all those years of living on the property, it was easier to assess the site.

Hemlock Ave. House / Chioco Design
© Casey Dunn © Casey Dunn
  • architects: Chioco Design
  • Location: Austin, Texas, United States
  • Project Year: 2019
  • Photographs: Casey Dunn
  • Area: 2000.0 ft2

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