Hotel Floriel: Immersing guests in local culture and the rhythm of the seasons

Shawinigan, CanadaHotel FlorielLifestyle, Commercial Architecture, Commercial Interior Design, Health + Wellness, Hotel, Kitchen + Bathroom, Restaurant + Bar, Travel Audrey Boisvert and Gabriel Wasilko proudly present Hotel Floriel, a refreshing new high-end hospitality destination nestled in the natural beauty of the Village of Sainte-Flore, Quebec, roughly halfway between Montreal and Quebec City. Expanding upon the principles of ‘witness’ experiential lifestyle incubators, the upscale 7-room micro-hotel provides unique stays for guests in the pampered embrace o... (continued)

Hotel Floriel: Immersing guests in local culture and the rhythm of the seasons

Shawinigan, Canada
Hotel Floriel
Lifestyle, Commercial Architecture, Commercial Interior Design, Health + Wellness, Hotel, Kitchen + Bathroom, Restaurant + Bar, Travel

Audrey Boisvert and Gabriel Wasilko proudly present Hotel Floriel, a refreshing new high-end hospitality destination nestled in the natural beauty of the Village of Sainte-Flore, Quebec, roughly halfway between Montreal and Quebec City.

Expanding upon the principles of ‘witness’ experiential lifestyle incubators, the upscale 7-room micro-hotel provides unique stays for guests in the pampered embrace o... (continued)