How Can Design and Experience Save Retail Stores?

You might be surprised by this, but the days of shopping in stores are long from over-, in fact, they’re experiencing a renaissance, and are creating a whole new type of design and experience to bring consumers back through the doors. The rise of e-commerce and the pause caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have served as a perfect catalyst for creating a whole new type of experience through unique design features, technological advancements, and customization that will revitalize physical stores in the future.

How Can Design and Experience Save Retail Stores?
UNIQLO Store in Tokyo by Herzon & de Meuron. Image © Nacasa & Partners UNIQLO Store in Tokyo by Herzon & de Meuron. Image © Nacasa & Partners

You might be surprised by this, but the days of shopping in stores are long from over-, in fact, they’re experiencing a renaissance, and are creating a whole new type of design and experience to bring consumers back through the doors. The rise of e-commerce and the pause caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have served as a perfect catalyst for creating a whole new type of experience through unique design features, technological advancements, and customization that will revitalize physical stores in the future.

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