How Do Architects and Industry Professionals Specify Materials and Products?

The choice of materials and products made by an architect during their design and specification process is key to defining how a project will look after its completion and over time, as it ages. Choosing materials that are not appropriate could result in projects with both aesthetic and functional issues.

How Do Architects and Industry Professionals Specify Materials and Products?
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The choice of materials and products made by an architect during their design and specification process is key to defining how a project will look after its completion and over time, as it ages. Choosing materials that are not appropriate could result in projects with both aesthetic and functional issues.

This is what makes the specification stage so essential in achieving expected results. During this phase, the professional in charge of specification becomes an essential part of the team and needs to have sufficient knowledge of the materials and products available in their region. But do all architecture offices have the same specification processes? Is the same importance given to this stage of the project as to the initial design phase? How close is the architect’s relationship with the materials really?

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