How To Keep A Garbage Can From Smelling In The Heat: 5 Genius Ways

Stinky trash can really throw you off. The foul smell lingers everywhere around the house. No matter if you have sat down for a nice family meal, or you are simply relaxing on the couch, the horrid smell will make its way down to you and ruin your mood. While the warm weather certainly isn’t helping the trash can odor, there are plenty of ways you can battle the odor. It’s important to keep your trash can smelling as best as possible as you don’t want to attract pests like rodents or fliers. So, if you are struggling with trash...

How To Keep A Garbage Can From Smelling In The Heat: 5 Genius Ways

Stinky trash can really throw you off. The foul smell lingers everywhere around the house. No matter if you have sat down for a nice family meal, or you are simply relaxing on the couch, the horrid smell will make its way down to you and ruin your mood. While the warm weather certainly isn’t helping the trash can odor, there are plenty of ways you can battle the odor. It’s important to keep your trash can smelling as best as possible as you don’t want to attract pests like rodents or fliers. So, if you are struggling with trash can odor, we’ve got you. Today we will show you how to keep a garbage can from smelling foul with a few simple tips and tricks.

Stinky trash can really throw you off

how to keep a garbage can from smelling compost full trash can

How To Keep A Garbage Can From Smelling 

The kitchen trash is one of the smelliest things in the house. Which makes sense to an extent. After all, you are throwing away trash in one place, it’s obviously not going to smell like roses, but it still doesn’t have to smell so foul. That’s why we will help you put a stop to the stench with a few simple tips and tricks. No more will the horrid smell ruin your mood.

The kitchen trash is one of the smelliest things in the house

persom using trash can

#Baking soda

Baking soda is amazing at controlling odors, including in your trash can. Sprinkle some soda at the bottom of the bin and let it work its magic. Baking soda helps not only to prevent the smell as well as absorb them. According to Apartment Therapy, you can even bump up the baking soda power by mixing half a cup of soda, one-third cup of Epson salt, and a quarter cup of water with some essential oil and pour it into ice cubes. After they harden place two “tablets” into the can, between the bad and the can, and let it works its magic. Replace them when they stop working.

Baking soda is amazing at controlling odors

baking soda in a wooden bowl

#Lemon peels

Lemon peels are amazing at dealing with unpleasant odors. Instead of throwing them away simply put them between the liner and the can. Their citrus smell will help disguise some of the odor as long as it is not too overbearing. You can add them to the baking soda for an extra strong effect.

Lemon peels are amazing at dealing with unpleasant odors

lemon and orange peel

#Clean the can regularly

One of the easiest ways to ensure your trash can doesn’t stink up your home is to regularly throw out the trash and clean the can regularly. Juices and waste can easily get in between the garbage bag and the can and cause it to smell bad. So, simply give it a food clean around every two weeks and make sure you throw away the garbage before it is overflowing, and the smell should be non-existent.

Regularly throw out the trash and clean the can regularly

spray and kitchen paper

#Make a spray

You can mix up your own DIY spray to help battle odors. Simply mix in a spray bottle a cup of water, half a cup of white vinegar, two tablespoons of rubbing alcohol, and a couple of drops of an essential oil. You can use lemongrass, tea tree oil, lime, and so on. Then spray your trash can. You can also douse some cotton balls with the mixture and place them in the bottom of the trash can.

You can mix up your own DIY spray to help battle odors

how to keep a garbage can from smelling woman holding a spray and towel

#Seperate compostable

Decomposing food scraps are one of the main reasons your trash is stinky. So, a great way to ensure that your trash odor is reduced is to separate the compostables from the rest of the trash. Of course, other offenders like meats, can also stink up the trash. But still, it is best to remove any organic matter in a compost bin or some type of container. This will reduce the smell significantly.

Decomposing food scraps are one of the main reasons your trash is stinky

how to keep a garbage can from smelling compost heap

These were all the methods on how to keep a garbage can from smelling bad, especially in the heat. We hope you found this article useful. Now you can easily beat the stink and always have a fresh smell in your home.

These were all the methods on how to keep a garbage can from smelling bad

garbage bag full

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