How To Measure For Shutters 101 | All You Need to Know

Decorative shutters can add a sense of style and individuality to any home. If you’re up for customization, you’ll need an accurate measurement of the bay windows first.  There are a few things in your home that can significantly increase the value and appeal of the property. One of them is bay windows. Designing the […] The post How To Measure For Shutters 101 | All You Need to Know appeared first on Homesthetics - Inspiring ideas for your home..

How To Measure For Shutters 101 | All You Need to Know

Decorative shutters can add a sense of style and individuality to any home. If you’re up for customization, you’ll need an accurate measurement of the bay windows first. 

There are a few things in your home that can significantly increase the value and appeal of the property. One of them is bay windows. Designing the shutters can be a fun project, especially since it gives you a chance to wring out all your creative juices. 

For any home renovation project, accurate measurements are a must. If you’re considering installing shutters on your windows, you’ll need measurements. In this guide, we will tell you everything you need to know about measurements for shutters. 

Your dream look is just a few steps away. Bring out the measuring tools, and get ready to take on a new project for your home.

So, let’s begin!

How To Measure For Shutters

Why Are Shutters So Popular?

If you have already made up your mind about opting for shutters, great! However, you won’t be the only one to find this design option so valuable. Well, let us tell you a few reasons why shutters for bay windows are so popular:

  1. Increased Security 

Window shutters seem to be purely ornamental and relatively flimsy. So how could they possibly increase the security of your home?

Well, consider a thief trying to enter your home through the windows – and the shutters come in the way. Now imagine the amount of noise he will make just trying to get past the shutters and into your home. The noise itself is enough to alarm you and scare them away!

  1. Increased Aesthetics

Depending on how you design the window shutters, they can add aesthetic value to any home. The colors, the material used, and the design options are plentiful. Moreover, it gives you the luxury of allowing as little or as much light as you want into your home. 

  1. Increased Privacy 

Sure, curtains work too, but shutters enable you to choose the amount of privacy you want at any given time. Shut out any unwanted attention into your home and drive away peeping toms. In some ways, shutters actually give you more privacy than curtains would. 

  1. Save Money

Keep the shutters open during hot, summer months and keep them tightly shut during the cold winters. This simple technique will help you save a lot of money on increased electricity bills. Furthermore, this method is good for your home as well as the environment. 

How To Measure Shutters

  1. Determine The Type Of Frame

Before you begin measuring your windows for new shutters, you need to consider the frame options and its depth. Generally, a shutter can be found in 3 frame depths. 

A regular frame shutter is designed for a 1 ⅜ inch or 2 ½ inches louver size shutter. If you’re opting for deep frame shutters, it will be a 3 ½ inches shutter louver size. However, for extra-deep frame shutters, the ideal louver depth is 4 ½ inches.

  1. Measure The Width Of The Window Frame

The next step is to measure the exact distance of your window frame. Do this from three positions – across the top, bottom, and middle of the recess. The measurement you note will be the measurement of the shutter frame width. 

Tip – If you get three different measurements, note the smallest measurement. 

  1. Measure The Drop

Now, you will measure the exact height of your recess or window from the top to the bottom. Again, this will be done in three positions – the left, middle, and right. Just like the previous measurements, you should note only the smallest measurement in your blueprint. 

  1. Measure The Midrail Position

The midrail is a fixed section on the shutters that typically cover the mullion (visible bars inside the window frame that divide glass panels). Typically, you would position the midrail in line with the horizontal mullions. 

However, this is just a standard and not something you have to follow. Instead of opting for a single midrail design, you can opt for two midrails. This is something you should do if you find that the vertical drop of the recess measures over 2100 mm. 

  1. Measure The Window Depth

The window depth will determine the space you have for the window opening. Taking a steel tape, measure the depth to the nearest ⅛ inches. 

  1. Mounting Type

Now, you want to consider the mounting type of shutters. These can be installed inside or outside the window frame. However, the mounting type is determined based on the measurement of the window depth and other required measurements. 

Once you have all the measurements down, you are ready to start designing! This step by step guide tells you a simple method of how to measure shutters for bay windows. But before we sign off, we have a few tips that could help you. 

Tips For Measuring Shutters 

  • Use one standard unit of measurement 
  • Double or triple check all the measurements before beginning the project 
  • Mention’ height’, ‘width’ and ‘drop’ next to the numerical to avoid confusion
  • Measure all the windows – don’t measure just one and assume the rest 

Final Words

Whether you decide to make this into a DIY project or get professional help, it’s a fun project to take on. 

Getting the measurements accurate is the most critical part of any home renovation project. It is always better to double and triple check the measurements rather than end up with a faulty design. Of course, there is no harm in taking some professional help if you need it. 

With that, we have come to the end of our guide. Here’s wishing you all the best with your new bay window shutters! 

Until next time! 

The post How To Measure For Shutters 101 | All You Need to Know appeared first on Homesthetics - Inspiring ideas for your home..