How To Press Flowers: 4 Simple Techniques

Flowers are absolutely captivating. No matter the variety, the color, or the size, they will bring joy into your life. However, they have one downfall – their short lifespan. Cut plants can’t survive long away. After a while they start to shrivel up, the petals start to fall, and the stalks turn brown. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can extend the beauty of your flowers with flower pressing. While they won’t look exactly as the day you picked them, you can still preserve them and turn them into a long-lasting memento. This is the perfect way...

How To Press Flowers: 4 Simple Techniques

Flowers are absolutely captivating. No matter the variety, the color, or the size, they will bring joy into your life. However, they have one downfall – their short lifespan. Cut plants can’t survive long away. After a while they start to shrivel up, the petals start to fall, and the stalks turn brown. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can extend the beauty of your flowers with flower pressing. While they won’t look exactly as the day you picked them, you can still preserve them and turn them into a long-lasting memento. This is the perfect way to keep the precious memories associated with the bouquet. Plus, it’s super easy to do! Today we will show you how to press flowers like a pro.

You can extend the beauty of your flowers with flower pressing

how to press flowers pressed yellow flowers

How To Press Flowers

Flowers are a joy to have around the house, in fresh and dried form alike. Pressing flowers helps you preserve their beauty and the memories that come with them. They can make a great gift, a decoration, or as a part of jewelry, bookmarks and so much more. So, if you want to enjoy some dried flowers with minimal effort, then these techniques are perfect for you.

Pressing flowers helps you preserve their beauty and the memories that come with them

pressed flowers and not

#In a book

This is one of the oldest and simplest methods to press flowers. It’s also very reliable. The only downside to this method is that it takes quite a bit of time. But hey, you don’t really have to do any work. You simply take your flowers of choice and remove any unnecessary leaves from them. Then take two sheets of absorbent paper and place them between the pages of a really thick book. You can use parchment paper, blotting paper, and other types of absorbent paper. Then place the flowers in a single layer in between the absorbent piece of paper and close the book. Then place it under other heavy books, so you can get a firmer press. Leave them like that for around three weeks. Make sure to use a book you don’t really like, as it can get ruined from the excess moisture.

This is one of the oldest and simplest methods to press flowers

flowers in a book

#With an iron

This is the fastest method of pressing flowers. However, before you use the iron, it is best to press the flowers in between parchment paper in a heavy book. After that place your flowers in between two pieces of parchment paper and take your iron. Make sure there is no water in your iron, and you have turned off the steam setting.  Then put it on the lowest setting. Put the flowers and place them with the parchment paper on the ironing board. Firmly press down on the flowers for around fifteen seconds. Then lift and let everything cool. Repeat this method until the flowers inside are completely dry and stiff.

Put the flowers and place them with the parchment paper on the ironing board

how to press flowers iron and ironing board

#In the microwave

You will need a bit more materials for this method, but it’s still pretty easy. Take two ceramic tiles, two rubber bands, and two pieces of cardboard. Then you will need your chosen flowers and two pieces of parchment paper. Put the flowers in between the parchment paper, then the pieces of paper in between the cardboard. Place everything between the tiles and use the bands to tighten everything together. Put this DIY press in the microwave. Then place the microwave on low heat and turn it on for 30 to 60 seconds. Let the press cool before taking it out, and check the flowers. If they are stiff and dry. Repeat if needed.

You can use the microwave to press flowers

white microwave on countertop

#Wooden flower press

This is another classic method for pressing flowers. However, you will need to put a bit more effort into making the wooden press. A wooden flower press consists of two pieces of wood that are held tightly together with wingnuts and bolts. You can get one from a hobby shop or make one yourself if you have the time. Unscrew the wingnuts and bolts, and place two pieces of parchment paper and flowers in between. Tighten everything and leave for three weeks.

Here is a tutorial on how to make your own press

These are some of the easiest methods when it comes to pressing flowers. We hope you found this article interesting. Now you know how to press flowers, and you can encapsulate your bloom’s beauty for years to come.

These are some of the easiest methods when it comes to pressing flowers

how to press flowers pressed flowers

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