How to Replace Air Conditioning? Passive Strategies for Addressing Global Warming

Between now and 2050, worldwide installation of cooling appliances, like air conditioning, is projected to triple, resulting in a twofold increase in energy consumption. This reliance on such devices, often seen as exacerbating global warming, poses a paradox: how can we fight rising temperatures in cities while simultaneously contributing to them through our dependence on these solutions?

How to Replace Air Conditioning? Passive Strategies for Addressing Global Warming
Photo by Annie Spratt, via Unsplash Photo by Annie Spratt, via Unsplash

Between now and 2050, worldwide installation of cooling appliances, like air conditioning, is projected to triple, resulting in a twofold increase in energy consumption. This reliance on such devices, often seen as exacerbating global warming, poses a paradox: how can we fight rising temperatures in cities while simultaneously contributing to them through our dependence on these solutions?

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