Inayoshi Office & House / TSC Architects

It is a complex use building of office and housing in Nissin city, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. The client is a construction company specializing in "wooden house" while long rooted in local. There are three major things that I felt to have to realize when I proceeded with this project. ① To be a building that will become a landmark in the area. ② The way of thinking about "house making" is appearing in architecture. ③ A house where the client after retirement can live peacefully as their final abode.

Inayoshi Office & House / TSC Architects
© Nobuki Taoka © Nobuki Taoka
  • architects: TSC Architects
  • Location: Changjiang Binjiang Rd, Chao Tian Men, Yuzhong Qu, Chongqing Shi, China
  • Project Year: 2018
  • Photographs: Nobuki Taoka
  • Area: 280.0 m2

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