Investment through Preservation in Roseland
Event Date: Oct 20, 2020; Event City: In its prime, South Michigan Avenue in Roseland was a well-regarded shopping district that supported the Roseland and Pullman communities and drew in visitors from other areas of the South Side. Once referred to by residents as “The Avenue,” Roseland's Michigan Avenue Commercial District is now on the "Chicago 7 Most Endangered" list, compiled annually by Preservation Chicago. In addition, Roseland is included in the City of Chicago's INVEST South/West initiative. This program will look at the toll divestment has taken on the Roseland community, what it will take to revitalize the area, and how historic preservation might be a successful tool for spurring economic development. This program is part of Open House Chicago 2020. Read the full post on Bustler

In its prime, South Michigan Avenue in Roseland was a well-regarded shopping district that supported the Roseland and Pullman communities and drew in visitors from other areas of the South Side. Once referred to by residents as “The Avenue,” Roseland's Michigan Avenue Commercial District is now on the "Chicago 7 Most Endangered" list, compiled annually by Preservation Chicago. In addition, Roseland is included in the City of Chicago's INVEST South/West initiative.
This program will look at the toll divestment has taken on the Roseland community, what it will take to revitalize the area, and how historic preservation might be a successful tool for spurring economic development.
This program is part of Open House Chicago 2020. Read the full post on Bustler