KIT Energy Lab / Behnisch Architekten

The Energy Lab 2.0 at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is an intelligent platform, set up to explore the interplay of components in the energy systems of the future and in particular to speed up the energy transition in Germany through the integration of renewable energy in the production of electricity. Electrical, thermal, and chemical energy flows, as well as new information and communication technologies, are combined in a cluster of facilities. Project partners are the Helmholtz Centers, the National Aeronautics and Space Research Center of the Federal Republic of Germany (DLR), and Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ). The new construction of building 668 on a site formerly used for experiments with solar energy in the north of the Campus Nord provides an attractive, high-quality and flexible location for this research.

KIT Energy Lab / Behnisch Architekten
© David Matthiessen © David Matthiessen

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