Mark Baines Illustration Competition
Registration Deadline: Apr 8, 2022; Submission Deadline: Apr 8, 2022 The Alexander Thomson Society is delighted to announce the ‘Remembering Mark Baines’ Biennial Architectural Illustration Competition. The late Mark Baines was a founding member and Chair of the Society, an architect, and teacher of architecture at the Macintosh School of Architecture. He continually emphasised the importance of drawing architecture and was never without a sketchbook. The brief for the architectural illustration competition is to create, using pencil, ink or paint, an architectural interpretation and celebration of a building of your choice. Quite simply a beautiful drawing or painting. There will be an exhibition of entries held in 2022. We are thankful to the Glasgow Institute of Architects for their sponsorship of this competition.Find out more hereRead the full post on Bustler

The Alexander Thomson Society is delighted to announce the ‘Remembering Mark Baines’ Biennial Architectural Illustration Competition. The late Mark Baines was a founding member and Chair of the Society, an architect, and teacher of architecture at the Macintosh School of Architecture. He continually emphasised the importance of drawing architecture and was never without a sketchbook.
The brief for the architectural illustration competition is to create, using pencil, ink or paint, an architectural interpretation and celebration of a building of your choice. Quite simply a beautiful drawing or painting.
There will be an exhibition of entries held in 2022.
We are thankful to the Glasgow Institute of Architects for their sponsorship of this competition.
Find out more hereRead the full post on Bustler