Migliore+Servetto’s Concept Stores for Electa Bookshops in RomeThe Guayacan Pavilion by Ambrosi | Etchegaray: A Tribute to BiodiversityMigliore+Servetto’s Concept Stores for Electa Bookshops in Rome
Nestled within the grounds of Casa Wabi and almost hidden amid the lush vegetation lies the Guayacan Pavilion. Designed by the renowned architecture firm Ambrosi I Etchegaray, this pavilion forms... The post The Guayacan Pavilion by Ambrosi | Etchegaray: A Tribute to Biodiversity appeared first on ArchEyes.

Nestled within the grounds of Casa Wabi and almost hidden amid the lush vegetation lies the Guayacan Pavilion. Designed by the renowned architecture firm Ambrosi I Etchegaray, this pavilion forms...
The post The Guayacan Pavilion by Ambrosi | Etchegaray: A Tribute to Biodiversity appeared first on ArchEyes.