Multifunctional Sports Hall / Atelier dmb

The building is a multifunctional sports hall built as a development project of the UTE Sports Complex. At the beginning of the design process, already taking part in the programming, our goal was, on the one hand, to make as a universal a spatial structure for the building as possible – so that it could accommodate various events. On the other hand, we aimed at creating a built environment with a strong atmosphere worthy of the past of the prestigious club. The hall was built in the middle of the sports complex, where no morphological associations were provided by the site. As a result of this situation, the building was formed along the architectural logic evolving from its own spatial structure. Thus, a tectonic mass composition was created that dissolves the long-span-dominated spatial scale through its articulation.

Multifunctional Sports Hall / Atelier dmb
© Bánhegyesy Antal © Bánhegyesy Antal

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