Munch Brygge Residential Complex / Lund+Slaatto Architects
Munch Brygge is a residential complex situated at the end of the Oslo fjord, between the Opera House and the new Munch Museum. The project contains 152 apartments and a kindergarten as well as several shops and restaurants at ground level. The project is based on an urban intervention that creates a visual connection between two urban areas: the city centre and the hillside of Ekeberg. This visual dialogue is established with a diagonal street that creates the foundation and the language for the further design and organization of the project. The street defines the natural boundaries of the two buildings and at the same time establishes a geometry for the placement of the apartments. In this way, the apartments are oriented towards the sun and the fjord.

- architects: Lund+Slaatto Architects
- Location: Oslo, Norway
- Project Year: 2019
- Photographs: Mariela Apollonio
- Photographs: Bård Gundersen
- Photographs: Marte Garmann
- Photographs: Courtesy of Lund+Slaatto Arkitekter
- Area: 19500.0 m2