Nygaard Square Renovation / Mad arkitekter

The Dead Square Nygaardsplassen (“Nygaard Square”) was once the backyard of a city block in Fredrikstad, Norway, surrounded by quaint townhouses. Between the houses were spaces teaming with life; children playing, livestock, and meeting places for friendly neighbours. During the 1970s many of these houses were demolished to make way for four-storey office buildings and an underground car park with Nygaardsplassen established on top. The office buildings featured an intricate, post-modern architectural style including arcades towards the new square. In urban terms, Nygaardsplassen was not a success and later adopted the nickname “The Dead Square”. Shopping Centre Zoning A new planning regulation for the square was agreed in 2012, outlining plans for a 4-6 storey shopping centre.

Nygaard Square Renovation / Mad arkitekter
© Kyrre Sundal © Kyrre Sundal

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