Plot 33 Residence and Studio / playball studio

‘Plot 33’ is an honest study about how to achieve a balance between inside-outside, work-life, privacy-openness, reused-new materials, adaptability-single use, etc. This project is also an attempt to amalgamate the aspirations of an Architect duo coming from diverse backgrounds – South Asia (India) and Southern Europe (Spain) – in the rapidly growing city of Rajkot, India. The site is located in a tight urban residential neighborhood adjacent to the region’s university campus. It is a 10 x 24 meters parcel of land, with the northern short side facing the road that leads to the university. On the opposite side of the plot, across the road, there is a small public park with large sheltering trees.

Plot 33 Residence and Studio / playball studio
© Atik Bheda © Atik Bheda

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