Polyvalent Studio / Practice Architecture + Unit 7, London Metropolitan University

The project was conceived within the parameters of the caravan act, meaning in most contexts it does not require planning permission. Designed by students from Diploma Unit 7 at the CASS and built by them in just 12 days it is an exemplar of not only low embodied energy design but the capacity of students to take on and deliver live projects as part of their education. The design is 30m2 prototype for a scalable studio built on a budget of £10,000. The design can be adapted with minimal modification to be situated at multiple sites and hosts multiple programmes including living, working and education. Imagined in section, the form drew inspiration from cantilevered barns traditionally used for the storage of agricultural produce.

Polyvalent Studio / Practice Architecture + Unit 7, London Metropolitan University
© David Grandorge © David Grandorge
  • architects: Practice Architecture
  • architects: Unit 7, London Metropolitan University
  • Location: Pidley, Huntingdon PE28 3BZ, United Kingdom
  • Project Year: 2019
  • Photographs: David Grandorge
  • Photographs: Oscar Proctor
  • Area: 30.0 m2

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