Reconnecting With Nature Using Wood in Interior Projects

In today's fast-paced and highly connected urban environment, people are increasingly realizing the vital importance of nature in improving both our physical and emotional health. This awareness directly impacts the quality of the spaces where people reside. Discussions and studies on topics such as neuroarchitecture and biophilia are becoming more prominent in the field of modern architecture and interior design. These discussions prompt us to think critically about the deliberate and mindful selection of design elements that shape our shared living environments.

Reconnecting With Nature Using Wood in Interior Projects
AK Residence / Rodrigo Latorre Arquitetura © Favaro Jr. AK Residence / Rodrigo Latorre Arquitetura © Favaro Jr.

In today's fast-paced and highly connected urban environment, people are increasingly realizing the vital importance of nature in improving both our physical and emotional health. This awareness directly impacts the quality of the spaces where people reside. Discussions and studies on topics such as neuroarchitecture and biophilia are becoming more prominent in the field of modern architecture and interior design. These discussions prompt us to think critically about the deliberate and mindful selection of design elements that shape our shared living environments.

In this scenario, the use of materials such as wood, whether in residential, commercial, or corporate environments, has shown positive effects on how we feel and experience the spaces by eliciting a connection with the natural environment, reconfiguring the way we perceive our living and working spaces and how we are affected by them. By incorporating wooden elements, we can create places of greater tranquility that allow us to disconnect from the stress and busyness of urban life.

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