Renovation and Expansion of Exporlux Facilities / Espaço Objecto, Arquitetura & Design, Lda

The requalification of the building Exporlux, one of the largest national lighting equipment companies based in the municipality of Águeda, became an opportunity for more intervention that included, in addition to the construction of a lighting laboratory, interior remodeling works in the spaces of the showroom, training, and office areas and the renovation of the exterior image of this industrial unit. The continuous growth of this company led to successive expansions phased over time, which resulted in a somewhat confusing image reflecting the materials and architectural options of each of the 3 moments of the interventions.

Renovation and Expansion of Exporlux Facilities / Espaço Objecto, Arquitetura & Design, Lda
© Ivo Tavares Studio © Ivo Tavares Studio

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