RIBA Awards announces call for 2022 juror applications
The Royal Institute of British Architects is now accepting applications for its 2022 awards cycle. Now is your chance to be a part of one of the world's most important and well-recognized architectural juried awards. The prestigious slate of annual prizes starts with the Regional Awards and concludes with the new Neave Brown Award for Housing and all-important Stirling Prize. RIBA describes the opportunity as "fascinating" and carrying "the responsibility for upholding and celebrating the highest standards of architectural design."The awards have been held annually for over 50 years and have been a launching pad for a who's who of blue-chip architects and Big A firms. This year's National winners included superlative efforts from Grafton Architects, Peter Barber, Tonkin Liu, and Marks Barfield.According to the institute: "Judging involves balancing the complexities that any building project will have faced, with aesthetic, sustainability and sometimes conservation considerations, as well as the local context. It requires an examination of the client's brief and how intelligently and creatively that has been fulfilled, while taking into account the constraints of budget and planning. It means taking a collective view and having a clear vision on what constitutes architectural excellence. It is not necessarily an easy task, but it is an immensely rewarding one. It offers the chance to influence the most high-profile activity of the year in architecture while presenting excellent opportunities for personal and professional development."Applicants who did not serve on any 2021 panels are eligible to apply for both Regional and National panels. Positions are available in the Lead Architect, Lay Person, and Sustainability Expert fields featuring different requirements. A two-session judges' training program will be offered online and in-person after panelists are selected in January. Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis until December 9th. Additional information about applying can be found here. Read the full post on Bustler

The Royal Institute of British Architects is now accepting applications for its 2022 awards cycle.
Now is your chance to be a part of one of the world's most important and well-recognized architectural juried awards. The prestigious slate of annual prizes starts with the Regional Awards and concludes with the new Neave Brown Award for Housing and all-important Stirling Prize. RIBA describes the opportunity as "fascinating" and carrying "the responsibility for upholding and celebrating the highest standards of architectural design."
The awards have been held annually for over 50 years and have been a launching pad for a who's who of blue-chip architects and Big A firms. This year's National winners included superlative efforts from Grafton Architects, Peter Barber, Tonkin Liu, and Marks Barfield.
According to the institute: "Judging involves balancing the complexities that any building project will have faced, with aesthetic, sustainability and sometimes conservation considerations, as well as the local context. It requires an examination of the client's brief and how intelligently and creatively that has been fulfilled, while taking into account the constraints of budget and planning. It means taking a collective view and having a clear vision on what constitutes architectural excellence. It is not necessarily an easy task, but it is an immensely rewarding one. It offers the chance to influence the most high-profile activity of the year in architecture while presenting excellent opportunities for personal and professional development."
Applicants who did not serve on any 2021 panels are eligible to apply for both Regional and National panels. Positions are available in the Lead Architect, Lay Person, and Sustainability Expert fields featuring different requirements. A two-session judges' training program will be offered online and in-person after panelists are selected in January.
Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis until December 9th. Additional information about applying can be found here. Read the full post on Bustler