ROI on Design Technology: Leveraging Technology to Increase Your Bottomline
Event Date: Oct 22, 2020; Event City: In most recent years, architecture & design firms have invested more and more money into technology. Though the consensus amongst the industry is that these investments are necessary, questions often arise: Am I do I making good use of my investment? How do I measure ROI? And certainly, how do I improve ROI? This panel conversation will feature industry leading technology experts to discuss how they’ve leveraged technology to increase productivity and efficiency across their firms’ design teams. Read the full post on Bustler

In most recent years, architecture & design firms have invested more and more money into technology. Though the consensus amongst the industry is that these investments are necessary, questions often arise: Am I do I making good use of my investment? How do I measure ROI? And certainly, how do I improve ROI? This panel conversation will feature industry leading technology experts to discuss how they’ve leveraged technology to increase productivity and efficiency across their firms’ design teams. Read the full post on Bustler