SCAAA Skillfully Aligns Critical Thinking and Creativity with Commerce

Los Angeles, United StatesSCAAACommercial Architecture, Business, Commercial Interior Design, Culture, Hotel, Luxury, Office, Real Estate, Restaurant + Bar, Spa + Pool, Travel, Urban Design From its studios in Seoul, Osaka, Los Angeles, and Dallas, the strategy consulting, planning, and architecture practice takes an unorthodox approach to problem solving SCAAA, founded in Los Angeles by the Korean American architect and real estate investor Steven Song, is most philosophically aligned with two powerhouses of twentieth century architecture —Denise Scott Brown and the late Robert Venturi, who in 1972 published the book, Learning from Las Vegas, which studied the city in its urban form.  The husband-and-wife team mentored Song at the start of his architectu... (continued)

SCAAA Skillfully Aligns Critical Thinking and Creativity with Commerce

Los Angeles, United States
Commercial Architecture, Business, Commercial Interior Design, Culture, Hotel, Luxury, Office, Real Estate, Restaurant + Bar, Spa + Pool, Travel, Urban Design
From its studios in Seoul, Osaka, Los Angeles, and Dallas, the strategy consulting, planning, and architecture practice takes an unorthodox approach to problem solving

SCAAA, founded in Los Angeles by the Korean American architect and real estate investor Steven Song, is most philosophically aligned with two powerhouses of twentieth century architecture —Denise Scott Brown and the late Robert Venturi, who in 1972 published the book, Learning from Las Vegas, which studied the city in its urban form.  The husband-and-wife team mentored Song at the start of his architectu... (continued)