Seaside Floating Pavilion / TAO (Trace Architecture Office)

InstantaneousnessAt the easternmost tip of the Jiaodong Peninsula, an abandoned fishing boat ran aground near an undeveloped natural bay area. The scour marks on the fishing boat made by waves becomes marks of the time; the boat is leaning, as if overwhelmed by the ravages of the sea and about to capsize. Between movement and stillness, life and death constitute a picture of eternity and instantaneousness.Such poetic scene evokes the imagination of a floating pavilion -a small and lightweight flying object that glides onto the beach and seems ready to leave at any time- which respond the vastness and emptiness with its slenderness and smallness, and respond to eternal weight with its lightness of instantaneousness.

Seaside Floating Pavilion / TAO (Trace Architecture Office)
© Hao Chen © Hao Chen
  • architects: TAO - Trace Architecture Office
  • Location: Rongcheng, Shandong, China
  • Project Year: 2021
  • Photographs: Hao Chen
  • Photographs: Xiangzhou Sun
  • Photographs: Courtesy of Tao (Trace Architecture Office)
  • Area: 173.0 m2

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