Blue Table Chocolates Workshop and Retail Space / Arch&Type

Tasked to imagine a ~780 square foot space for an artisan chocolatier, Arch&Type asked how built space can enhance the crafting & consumption of chocolate. Rather than focusing on the superficial image (how chocolate appears) and painting cocoa beans on the walls, designers Seth Amman & Adam McCullough explored chocolate’s emotional & physiological impacts and how to evoke such feelings through material and space. The impetus for this exploration came from client Ben Johnson, who presented an image of untempered crystallized chocolate: melted, silky, and flowing. Design began by extracting the feelings from the image and Ben’s product— comfort, mystery, warmth, decadence—then transposing these into the realm of building craft.

Blue Table Chocolates Workshop and Retail Space / Arch&Type
© Kim Smith © Kim Smith
  • architects: Arch&Type
  • Location: 799 Seneca St Suite D-1, Buffalo, NY 14210, United States
  • Project Year: 2024
  • Photographs: Kim Smith
  • Area: 780.0 ft2

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