Sou Fujimoto, AMDL Circle, and Alvisi Kirimoto: Discover the internships and lectures of "Architecture for Landscape" - 2021 edition [Sponsored]
5 scholarships full-coverage of the enrollment cost and opportunity to participate in the courses from remote connectionTHE COURSEFrom Stonehenge to Greek temples, architecture is the signature of humankind on landscape, the artificial element that has always been connected to the natural environment. Architecture and landscape are linked by a fundamental continuity that is now starting to fade, damaging the quality of the space we dwell.More than ever today, landscape is a precious heritage that architecture can and must enhance, while protecting it to pass it on to future generations: architects shall not give up on working on landscape, instead they should be able to design architectures that respond to each landscape’s specific feature and generate wonderful and unique spaces.The “Architecture for Landscape” course was created on these premises: it aims at training designers who are able to meet the diverse needs of transforming territories, enforcing an attentive and productive dialogue with the surrounding landscape to respond to the needs of prestigious clients in outstanding contexts. Through a thorough analysis of the natural world, light and geomorphological features of terrains, the designers will become more and more able to reconnect human design to the natural environment and be inspired by landscape to design outstanding, sustainable and impressive architectures.The course will be made up of 82 hours of lessons, a 32-hour workshop and multiple lectures by well-renowned professional architects. At the end of the course, YACademy Placement office will guarantee each student a proposal for an internship / collaboration within the partner studios.YACADEMYYAC is an association which promotes architectural competitions aimed at fostering culture and design research. Over the years, YAC has broadened experience of work and collaboration with the main architectural firms of contemporary architecture, dealing with diverse and numerous topics of architectural design. Nowadays, YAC’s expertise can serve young designers better, providing them with the creation of high-level educational programs aimed at polishing the skills of the students and offering them a valuable connection to the labour market. Thanks to the close relationship with internationally renowned professional and academic actors, YACademy is the perfect frame within which to complete or specialize one’s skills, and create a significant link with the most internationally-renowned architectural firms. The location of the courses, also available from remote connection since 2020, are the prestigious headquarters of YACademy: a medieval building located in the heart of Bologna’s historical city center, close to the Two Towers and next to Piazza Santo Stefano; namely, one of the most picturesque areas of the city. SPECIAL LECTURESPETER ZÖCH | SNØHETTA: Underwater landscape: Under - EDUARDO SOUTO DE MOURA: Engineering and landscape: Foz Tua Dam - JUNYA ISHIGAMI | JUNYA ISHIGAMI + ASSOCIATES: Semi-outdoor square - NICHOLAS BEWICK | AMDL CIRCLE: Landscape sanctuaries: the earth stations - DAGUR EGGERTSSON | RINTALA EGGERTSSON: Ice and forests: vision from the North - SIMON FROMMENWILER | HHF ARCHITECTS: Sanctuaries within landscape: Ruta del Peregrino - MATTHEW JOHNSON | DILLER SCOFIDIO + RENFRO: NYC in green: the highline - TORUNN GOLBERG | JENSEN & SKODVIN: Juvet Landscape Hotel: immersed in landscape - KAZUYO SEJIMA | SANAA: Water and architecture: Grace Farm - SOU FUJIMOTO | SOU FUJIMOTO ARCHITECTS: Shiroiya Hotel: melting architecture and nature - LARS JOHAN ALMGREN | DORTE MANDRUP: Shaped by the surroundings: The WhaleWORKSHOP DESIGN OF OBSERVATION POINTS AND WWF RESEARCH CENTERFrancesca Singer | SANAAThe workshop will represent the occasion of practical synthesis to test all the notions available through the other teaching modules, ensuring strategic answers with respect to a real architectural design. The course will be carried out in collaboration with WWF Italy for the design of different observation points and a research center in the natural reserve of Valle Averto. As a natural compendium of extraordinary charm, Valle Averto is located in one of the most unique historical and natural contexts in the world: the lagoon of Venice. It is the perfect synthesis between human-induced activity and natural element and among the WWF oasis, is particularly suited for the formation of biodiversity of humid zones, allowing a great observation on the wildlife, but in proximity of infrastructures that can offer an efficient research network. Through the workshop students will have the opportunity to measure up with a unique and uncontaminated landscape, and to collaborate with one of the most prestigious and internationally important ecologist associations. For a more proper interiorization of the place, students will have the chance to stay and attend the class for three days at Valle Averto.INTERNSHIPAt the end of the course, YACademy Placement
![Sou Fujimoto, AMDL Circle, and Alvisi Kirimoto: Discover the internships and lectures of "Architecture for Landscape" - 2021 edition [Sponsored]](

5 scholarships full-coverage of the enrollment cost and opportunity to participate in the courses from remote connection
From Stonehenge to Greek temples, architecture is the signature of humankind on landscape, the artificial element that has always been connected to the natural environment. Architecture and landscape are linked by a fundamental continuity that is now starting to fade, damaging the quality of the space we dwell.
More than ever today, landscape is a precious heritage that architecture can and must enhance, while protecting it to pass it on to future generations: architects shall not give up on working on landscape, instead they should be able to design architectures that respond to each landscape’s specific feature and generate wonderful and unique spaces.
The “Architecture for Landscape” course was created on these premises: it aims at training designers who are able to meet the diverse needs of transforming territories, enforcing an attentive and productive dialogue with the surrounding landscape to respond to the needs of prestigious clients in outstanding contexts.
Through a thorough analysis of the natural world, light and geomorphological features of terrains, the designers will become more and more able to reconnect human design to the natural environment and be inspired by landscape to design outstanding, sustainable and impressive architectures.
The course will be made up of 82 hours of lessons, a 32-hour workshop and multiple lectures by well-renowned professional architects. At the end of the course, YACademy Placement office will guarantee each student a proposal for an internship / collaboration within the partner studios.
YAC is an association which promotes architectural competitions aimed at fostering culture and design research. Over the years, YAC has broadened experience of work and collaboration with the main architectural firms of contemporary architecture, dealing with diverse and numerous topics of architectural design. Nowadays, YAC’s expertise can serve young designers better, providing them with the creation of high-level educational programs aimed at polishing the skills of the students and offering them a valuable connection to the labour market. Thanks to the close relationship with internationally renowned professional and academic actors, YACademy is the perfect frame within which to complete or specialize one’s skills, and create a significant link with the most internationally-renowned architectural firms. The location of the courses, also available from remote connection since 2020, are the prestigious headquarters of YACademy: a medieval building located in the heart of Bologna’s historical city center, close to the Two Towers and next to Piazza Santo Stefano; namely, one of the most picturesque areas of the city.
PETER ZÖCH | SNØHETTA: Underwater landscape: Under - EDUARDO SOUTO DE MOURA: Engineering and landscape: Foz Tua Dam - JUNYA ISHIGAMI | JUNYA ISHIGAMI + ASSOCIATES: Semi-outdoor square - NICHOLAS BEWICK | AMDL CIRCLE: Landscape sanctuaries: the earth stations - DAGUR EGGERTSSON | RINTALA EGGERTSSON: Ice and forests: vision from the North - SIMON FROMMENWILER | HHF ARCHITECTS: Sanctuaries within landscape: Ruta del Peregrino - MATTHEW JOHNSON | DILLER SCOFIDIO + RENFRO: NYC in green: the highline - TORUNN GOLBERG | JENSEN & SKODVIN: Juvet Landscape Hotel: immersed in landscape - KAZUYO SEJIMA | SANAA: Water and architecture: Grace Farm - SOU FUJIMOTO | SOU FUJIMOTO ARCHITECTS: Shiroiya Hotel: melting architecture and nature - LARS JOHAN ALMGREN | DORTE MANDRUP: Shaped by the surroundings: The Whale
Francesca Singer | SANAA
The workshop will represent the occasion of practical synthesis to test all the notions available through the other teaching modules, ensuring strategic answers with respect to a real architectural design. The course will be carried out in collaboration with WWF Italy for the design of different observation points and a research center in the natural reserve of Valle Averto. As a natural compendium of extraordinary charm, Valle Averto is located in one of the most unique historical and natural contexts in the world: the lagoon of Venice. It is the perfect synthesis between human-induced activity and natural element and among the WWF oasis, is particularly suited for the formation of biodiversity of humid zones, allowing a great observation on the wildlife, but in proximity of infrastructures that can offer an efficient research network. Through the workshop students will have the opportunity to measure up with a unique and uncontaminated landscape, and to collaborate with one of the most prestigious and internationally important ecologist associations. For a more proper interiorization of the place, students will have the chance to stay and attend the class for three days at Valle Averto.
At the end of the course, YACademy Placement office will guarantee each student a proposal for an internship / collaboration with some of the studios better matching the topic of the course, with the likes of:
In collaboration with:
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Contact: studenti@yacademy.itRead the full post on Bustler