South Dakota State University seeking Assistant Professor Architecture in Brookings, SD, US

Assistant Professor Architecture School of Design South Dakota State University The South Dakota State University School of Design invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Architecture to begin no later than August, 2024. This is a full-time, nine-month, benefit eligible appointment and the position reports to the Director of the School of Design. The position is typically 60% teaching, 30% research, scholarship and creative activity and 10% service. South Dakota State University promotes access to and opportunities for all to receive the benefit of and participate in education, research, and service and is especially interested in candidates that can contribute to this land-grant mission of access. The School of Design has three accredited-built environment majors: architecture, landscape architecture and interior design. The School of Design also includes the visual arts:  graphic design, and studio arts. Collectively, School faculty form a coll...

South Dakota State University seeking Assistant Professor Architecture in Brookings, SD, US

Assistant Professor


School of Design

South Dakota State University

The South Dakota State University School of Design invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Architecture to begin no later than August, 2024. This is a full-time, nine-month, benefit eligible appointment and the position reports to the Director of the School of Design. The position is typically 60% teaching, 30% research, scholarship and creative activity and 10% service. South Dakota State University promotes access to and opportunities for all to receive the benefit of and participate in education, research, and service and is especially interested in candidates that can contribute to this land-grant mission of access.

The School of Design has three accredited-built environment majors: architecture, landscape architecture and interior design. The School of Design also includes the visual arts:  graphic design, and studio arts. Collectively, School faculty form a coll...