Step Forward - A stepping stone towards a brighter future for youth
Registration Deadline: Dec 13, 2021; Submission Deadline: Dec 14, 2021 Brief: Design a transition centre for homeless youth with housing and other facilities that would equip them with skills for independent living.It is to be designed so that an array of services can be provided to the youth that come from diverse backgrounds in order to help them give a safe, stable, and inclusive home. It must also act as a learning centre to help them acquire life skills, special skills, and create networks. The well-being of young people is a priority. Homeless people often face prejudice in society so it is necessary that the centre design is in harmony with its neighboring context. The spatial design must be flexible, low maintenance, and economical to host multiple users over short durations. It will be occupied for not more than 1 year.The aim is to create a healthy community for young people. Privacy and interaction must be guided in the layout as per the nature of the activity. The aesthetics and functionality must be balanced to create a mix of open and closed spaces. the full post on Bustler

Brief: Design a transition centre for homeless youth with housing and other facilities that would equip them with skills for independent living.
It is to be designed so that an array of services can be provided to the youth that come from diverse backgrounds in order to help them give a safe, stable, and inclusive home. It must also act as a learning centre to help them acquire life skills, special skills, and create networks. The well-being of young people is a priority. Homeless people often face prejudice in society so it is necessary that the centre design is in harmony with its neighboring context. The spatial design must be flexible, low maintenance, and economical to host multiple users over short durations. It will be occupied for not more than 1 year.
The aim is to create a healthy community for young people. Privacy and interaction must be guided in the layout as per the nature of the activity. The aesthetics and functionality must be balanced to create a mix of open and closed spaces.