Tanatap Frame Garden / RAD+ar (Research Artistic Design + architecture)

Frame Garden Café called Tanatap is another iteration prototype of a multi-leveled greenspace with dynamic platforms that rise and fall to create a walkable roofscape that acts as an extension for the public to enjoy the public parks from a better and grander perspective. Pursuing a façade-less architecture, the design was started with the question, what if the flexibility of community activities, art exhibitions, and garden spaces acted as an unlimited permutation of functional façade that defined the space and shaped the identity of the architecture itself? The design was to demonstrate a selfless approach to creating many sheltered indoor spaces hidden within a simple multi-leveled garden. Spaces that were created became a sequential space and were not an initial space.

Tanatap Frame Garden / RAD+ar (Research Artistic Design + architecture)
© Mario Wibowo © Mario Wibowo

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