The 5 Best Humidity-Absorbing Houseplants

Excess humidity indoors can cause a lot of problems. If your house has a lot of excess moisture you may start to notice mold forming on your walls, an unpleasant smell, and a dampness in the air. Indoor humidity certainly isn’t a pleasant thing to deal with. However, many homes in warm and rainy regions, as well as those in older building lack proper ventilation. That’s why it is important to find a way to deal with the issue at hand. On the bright side, there is a completely natural way you can get rid of all that extra humidity...

The 5 Best Humidity-Absorbing Houseplants

Excess humidity indoors can cause a lot of problems. If your house has a lot of excess moisture you may start to notice mold forming on your walls, an unpleasant smell, and a dampness in the air. Indoor humidity certainly isn’t a pleasant thing to deal with. However, many homes in warm and rainy regions, as well as those in older building lack proper ventilation. That’s why it is important to find a way to deal with the issue at hand. On the bright side, there is a completely natural way you can get rid of all that extra humidity in your home. Houseplants will come to your rescue! While a dehumidifier can help, plants are a more effective and more aesthetic way to deal with the problem. Today we will share with you some amazing humidity-absorbing houseplants that can help you out.

There is a completely natural way you can get rid of all that extra humidity

humidity absorbing houseplants pink orchid in a pot

The Best Humidity-Absorbing Houseplants

If your home doesn’t have proper ventilation, then it’s more than likely for a humidity issue to arise. During seasons like summer and winter, the problem may be even worse than usual. Don’t worry, this can happen to anyone. There are ways you can deal with this. You can always get a dehumidifier, however, running it all day long can really rack up your energy bill. Instead, you can introduce a more long term, natural solution. Certain indoor plants can make a big difference in your home as they can help regulate the humidity levels. Plus, they look beautiful and can blend in as part of your home decor. Oh, and they don’t use any energy to work.

Certain indoor plants can make a big difference in your home

humid windows with moisture

#Peace Lily

The gorgeous peace lily plant will make a wonderful addition to any home. Its dainty white flowers and lush green foliage are a real showstopper. However, this plant is a lot more than it looks. Since they are native to more tropical conditions, they will enjoy all the extra moisture your home has to offer. This plant will suck up the excess humidity helping balance out the moisture levels in your home. If they have plenty of light all year round, they will bloom throughout the whole year.

The gorgeous peace lily plant will make a wonderful addition to any home

humidity absorbing houseplants white peace lily

#English Ivy

Some English ivy trailing down your bookcase will look absolutely stunning. However, not only will this plant add a beautiful aesthetic touch to your space, it will also help you deal with your moisture problem. This plant doesn’t need a lot of sunlight, all it wants is a humid environment it can thrive in. Its trailing leaves make it a great plant for hanging pots or for higher spots around the house. English ivy is a fast-growing plant that can quickly help you deal with your mold issue.

This plant doesn’t need a lot of sunlight to thrive

humidity absorbing houseplants english ivy trailing from bookshelf


This plant is really interesting and unique. The tillandsia has triangle-shaped leaves and it is shaped like a funnel. This plant is in the “air plant” category as it does not need any soil in order to live. Tillandsia feeds from the air. It absorbs all its nutrients from the moisture that is in the air. And the more it feeds, the less humidity you will have to deal with in your home. While they do need plenty of light as well, you can easily place them on a bookshelf or in a jar somewhere around the house.

This plant is in the “air plant” category as it does not need any soil in order to live

tillandsia houseplant air plant

#Boston Fern

The Boston fern has a wonderful, lush look. This fast-growing houseplant will thrive when put in a humid and moist environment. These plants help remove all that stickiness out of the air and balance out the moisture count in your home. Boston ferns are a type of epiphyte, which is a plant that grows on the surface of another plant, so it gets all its moisture and nutrient s from the air, water, or rain. That’s why it will take as much moisture as it can from your air to fulfill its needs.

This fast-growing houseplant will thrive when put in a humid and moist environment

humidity absorbing houseplants bosten fern


Ah, the beautiful orchid. This is one of the most hard-working plants when it comes to removing excess moisture from the air. Orchids are a type of epiphyte which means that they acquire most of their nutrients and moisture from the air that surrounds them. So, they will gladly take all that humidity your home has to offer. These elegant plants make a wonderful addition to any home and are the perfect choice if you want to add a pop of color to your plant collection.

Orchids help to absorb moisture from the air as they need it to survive

humidity absorbing houseplants pink orchid by the window

These are some of the best humidity-absorbing houseplants you can add to your home to remove excess moisture. We hope you found this article useful. Now you can add some of these plants to your space and watch as they absorb all the excess humidity you are concerned about.

These are some of the best humidity-absorbing houseplants you can add to your home

person holding big houseplant

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