The Canadian Architect Awards Of Excellence
Registration Deadline: Sep 16, 2021; Submission Deadline: Sep 16, 2021 Celebrating 54 years, Canadian Architect has since 1967 sponsored an annual national awards program recognizing future projects. Each year, submissions are due in September, judging takes place in October and the winning schemes are published in a special issue every December. Student Awards of Excellence are also awarded for final-year projects by Canadian architecture students.ELIGIBILITYTo enter, you must be either (A) an architect registered in Canada or (B) a graduate of an accredited Canadian architecture school holding a professional degree from that school.Projects must be in the design stage, scheduled for construction or under construction but not substantially complete by September 16, 2021. All projects must be commissioned by a client with the intention to build the submitted proposal. All building types and concisely presented urban design schemes are eligible.To enter the student awards, you must have been nominated by your school and asked to submit via a separate site.JUDGING CRITERIAAwards are given for architectural design excellence. Jurors will consider the following criteria:Physical organization and form, including attention to composition and detail; Response to program, site, geographic, social and/or urban context; Innovation in concept, process, materials, building systems and/or implementation; Demonstration of exemplary environmental performance, including supporting metrics where available; Use of design to advance spatial and social justice, and/or to support a vision of reconciliation, equity and inclusion. the full post on Bustler

Celebrating 54 years, Canadian Architect has since 1967 sponsored an annual national awards program recognizing future projects. Each year, submissions are due in September, judging takes place in October and the winning schemes are published in a special issue every December. Student Awards of Excellence are also awarded for final-year projects by Canadian architecture students.
To enter, you must be either (A) an architect registered in Canada or (B) a graduate of an accredited Canadian architecture school holding a professional degree from that school.
Projects must be in the design stage, scheduled for construction or under construction but not substantially complete by September 16, 2021. All projects must be commissioned by a client with the intention to build the submitted proposal. All building types and concisely presented urban design schemes are eligible.
To enter the student awards, you must have been nominated by your school and asked to submit via a separate site.
Awards are given for architectural design excellence. Jurors will consider the following criteria:
- Physical organization and form, including attention to composition and detail;
- Response to program, site, geographic, social and/or urban context;
- Innovation in concept, process, materials, building systems and/or implementation;
- Demonstration of exemplary environmental performance, including supporting metrics where available;
- Use of design to advance spatial and social justice, and/or to support a vision of reconciliation, equity and inclusion.
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