The Canadian Architect Photo Awards Of Excellence
Registration Deadline: Sep 16, 2021; Submission Deadline: Sep 16, 2021 Canadian Architect is challenging professional and amateur architectural photographers to showcase their best image of a Canadian building in its fourth annual Photo Award of Excellence competition.ELIGIBILITYProfessional and amateur architectural photographers are invited to submit their work for this award. The submitted photo should be no more than two years old. It should depict a building in Canada, by any architect and from any time period. Alternatively, it may depict a building outside of Canada but completed by a Canadian architect (ie. one whose head office is in Canada). An optional descriptive text may be included, up to 100 words in length.The photographer’s name must NOT appear on the submitted photo, except on the entry form. Photos should be in JPEG or TIFF format, 300 dpi with the largest dimension (length or height) set at 8”.JUDGING CRITERIAAwards are given for the excellence of a photo in conveying the particular character and qualities of a building. Jurors will consider the composition, creativity of approach, and overall aesthetics of the photo. the full post on Bustler

Canadian Architect is challenging professional and amateur architectural photographers to showcase their best image of a Canadian building in its fourth annual Photo Award of Excellence competition.
Professional and amateur architectural photographers are invited to submit their work for this award. The submitted photo should be no more than two years old. It should depict a building in Canada, by any architect and from any time period. Alternatively, it may depict a building outside of Canada but completed by a Canadian architect (ie. one whose head office is in Canada). An optional descriptive text may be included, up to 100 words in length.
The photographer’s name must NOT appear on the submitted photo, except on the entry form. Photos should be in JPEG or TIFF format, 300 dpi with the largest dimension (length or height) set at 8”.
Awards are given for the excellence of a photo in conveying the particular character and qualities of a building. Jurors will consider the composition, creativity of approach, and overall aesthetics of the photo.
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