The Hidden Bias of Architectural Preservation

How do we decide which buildings are worth saving and which ones aren’t with regards to a building’s design significance? This video tells the story of the Portland Building by Michael Graves, a building with a tumultuous history that was ultimately saved from the wrecking ball when the city raised nearly $200 million to renovate the aging structure. This was spurred, in part, by the building’s inclusion on the National Historic Places list. But, that is only part of the story. What does it mean to be an Historic Place or Landmark because of architectural design? Does this distinction help to save it from premature demolition? The answers to these questions might surprise you.

The Hidden Bias of Architectural Preservation
Courtesy of Stewart Hicks Courtesy of Stewart Hicks

How do we decide which buildings are worth saving and which ones aren’t with regards to a building’s design significance? This video tells the story of the Portland Building by Michael Graves, a building with a tumultuous history that was ultimately saved from the wrecking ball when the city raised nearly $200 million to renovate the aging structure. This was spurred, in part, by the building’s inclusion on the National Historic Places list. But, that is only part of the story. What does it mean to be an Historic Place or Landmark because of architectural design? Does this distinction help to save it from premature demolition? The answers to these questions might surprise you.

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