The Nest / Porky Hefer Design

I was convinced that my smaller nests were bigger than a chair or a design piece. It was about vernacular architecture being the solution to building. Using local materials sourced locally employing local people with local skills. I designed these camps with nests all over them and then I tried the idea for 3 years changing forms and materials according to the locations I was pitching them. But people didn’t really get it and preferred 4 walls and a roof. One answer from a reputable safari group was “we had a bad year last year so we are going to do exactly the same as we did last year.” But I kept on trucking.

The Nest / Porky Hefer Design
© Katinka Bester © Katinka Bester
  • architects: Porky Hefer Design
  • Location: Namib-Naukluft National Park, Namibia
  • Project Year: 2018
  • Photographs: Katinka Bester

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