The Power of Innovation: Brick Award 24
Around the globe, today’s architects face several rising challenges. The demand for affordable housing is increasing significantly, but so is the urgent need to save the planet’s resources and reduce carbon emissions. At first glance, these two goals might seem mutually exclusive. However, the history of architecture is one of great minds overcoming challenges through creativity and innovation.

Around the globe, today’s architects face several rising challenges. The demand for affordable housing is increasing significantly, but so is the urgent need to save the planet’s resources and reduce carbon emissions. At first glance, these two goals might seem mutually exclusive. However, the history of architecture is one of great minds overcoming challenges through creativity and innovation.
In 2004, wienerberger, a leading provider of innovative and ecological solutions for the entire building envelope in the areas of new construction and renovation, as well as infrastructure for water and energy management, launched the biennial Brick Award to recognize and, more importantly, support such innovative solutions and the people who create them. In June 2024, for its 11th iteration, the prize will once again be awarded to extraordinary feats of brick architecture from around the world.